Thursday, December 6, 2007


The snake boat is a striking thing to look at due to its unique dimensions(50 feet long and 6 feet wide).It in itself has a great visual impact on the viewer.
It also has a very interesting history and a technical side to it(architecture). I wanted to put across both these aspects.

the boat is displayed in the middle of the hall, along its lenght. it is sunk into the ground, as though in water.this gives the viewer an idea of how it looks in its natural surroundings.

there are 5 images on the wall along the lenght of the boat. the images are to do with the different stages of its life- building of the boat, religious procession before race, snake boat race, shed in which it is stored till the next year.

each image had a sound that accompanies it. the sound can be heard by placing your ear to a square surface near the image, on the wall itself.

this aims to tell a story about the boats life, viewing it as more than just an object.

the wall above these images contains a map of the kerala backwater.

REMARKS:when i thought of the snake boat, the grand boat races automaticallty came to my mind. i could not separate one from the other. it is the entire event that makes the snake boat. i wanted to put that across.
also, when you put a boat in a museum, it loses a great amount of its life. to make it relate to the living world once again, i used sound from different stages of its life.the images and sounds on the wall along the lenght of the boat aim to tell the story of the boat, snippets from its life.

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